Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Melrose: I meant mullet, not wallet

In retaliation, I'm trying to come up with an insult to Melrose's hometown, which, according to Wikipedia, is Kelvington, Saskatchewan, a thriving metropolis of nearly 900 hearty souls that I clearly have never visited. But I hear the women there don't shave their armpits, and their boots smell like apple cider vinegar. Oh, and I wouldn't walk down the street there if your hat has antlers because somebody might shoot you.
I'll apologize tomorrow.
Labels: melrose, mullets, tumbleweeds
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I worked across the street from the site of the new Pru Center for 2 years and I never felt comfortable in Newark after dark. The Pru Center isn't in the worst neighborhood of Newark, but it's not a good area either (i.e., the Ironbound). I live in Hoboken and I'm still only a PATH ride away from the Prudential Center. Still, the chances of me risking my hide to watch the crappy Devils play are slim to none. As a contrast, the new Red Bulls Stadium in Harrison is right across the river from Pru and I'd feel fine hopping a PATH train to one of those games after dark.
Booker's slogan should be "C'mon - at least we're not Camden (or Paterson)"
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Booker's slogan should be "C'mon - at least we're not Camden (or Paterson)"
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