Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Penguin streaking: "regrettable" or victimless crime?

On Saturday, loyal 'meater Joseph accused us of allowing the blog to die a slow, boring death. So in an effort to breathe some life into this corpse, I'm posting the latest hockey (yes, hockey Joe!) news from Scraton, Pa.:

Wilkes-Barre/Scranton hockey player caught streaking
The Associated Press
(AP) - The captain of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins was charged with indecent exposure after a police officer saw him running naked on a downtown street early Sunday, and a teammate was arrested for public drunkenness.

The player, Nathan Smith, was charged with misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure, open lewdness and disorderly conduct, as well as public drunkenness, according to the AP. In his apology, he called his actions -- prompted by a bet -- "regrettable."

Well, I'm guessing that every reader of Sportsmeat has been in a situation where this bet was on the table. And a few of us have been to Scranton. I don't remember ever having this bet on the table in Scranton, but I'd guess that the locale makes it a more attractive option, if for no other reason than to spice up a slow night. Criminal? Technically, I guess -- but if he wasn't stopping traffic or kicking in windows, I don't see it as much more than a prank.

At the very least, he should get a cameo on a future episode of The Office. Or Slapshot 4.

I vote victimless crime. Though my first thought was that penguins were always naked, which led to some puzzlement. (Further reading cleared this up.)

In reading the charges, I'd say most are bogus but he probably earned the public drunkeness. If I was going to run throught he streets of Scranton in the buff, I'd probably throw back a shot or 10 before doing so.
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