When I heard Maureen Dowd talking about the role of "shoulder-pad feminism" in Hillary Clinton's resurgance, I immediately thought of Helen Hunt's inspirational title character in Quarterback Princess. Yes, I'm pathetic. But if you've seen the film, you understand. It's the story of a small-town girl with a dream to play football. And try as they might to squash that dream, the men of this story are powerless against the strong will and accurate arm of Tami Maida (had to look that one up -- Princess Vespa, incidentally, plays the sister; funny, she doesn't look Druish). It's A League of Their Own meets Remember the Titans before either of those existed. I highly recommend adding this to your Netflix queue. That goes for you, too, Hillary, if you're reading (and I know you are).
# posted by Budds @ 9:14 AM