Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Bowl Tourney Update - Jan. 3, 2008

There are four bowl games remaining, so Snoop and Y.A. Shoes still have a chance to join the fray, at least partially, but as it currently stands, we're looking at a two-man race for the second Sportsmeat bowl series title.

Joe controls his own destiny but has a lot riding on Rutgers (27 points); incidentally, everyone else but Dave Law has five points riding on the Scarlet Knights. As to the overall bowl winner, only Joe and I are still in contention.

Below are the current standings, with points remaining and highest possible score in parentheses. Also coming soon: The NFL Playoffs.

EJ - 68.5 points (15 possible points remaining) (83.5 best score)
Maxipriest - 60.5 (15) (75.5)
Budds - 60 (10) (70)
Joe - 53 (32) (85)
Dave Law - 34 (5) (39)
Big Thunder - 25 (10) (35)

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