Monday, September 17, 2007
The 'Meat cover jinx

As BT mentioned, and EJ foreshadowed, we have a remarkable tendency to turn a sure thing into a sure loser. Week One it was the Eagles. Week Two it's Cincinnati, our unanimous pick that ended up on the losing side of a shootout against Derek Anderson and the Browns. If you asked me a week ago what sport the professional athlete Derek Anderson played, I'd have said basketball, and I would not have been wrong. Well, at least we can stop hearing about Brady Quinn for a month or so.
It was a mediocre week of picking, with four of us at 2-2 and four at 1-3. In other news, Oklahoma beat Utah State 54-3, covering a 46-point spread (sorry MP), while five Mad Dogs covered: Idaho, La. Tech, Fla. Intl., Buffalo, and San Diego St.
The standings after two weeks:
Dave Law 12
Joe D. 9
Snoop 8
E.J. 7
Maxipriest 7
Budds 6
Y.A. Shoes 5
Big Thunder 5