Friday, August 17, 2007


But Ironhead, what’s with this thingey?

For your Friday afternoon viewing pleasure, I wanted to post the best and worst of sports star commercials, but I gave up when my first two searches – Fred McGriff’s baseball videos and Ben Roethlisberger’s hi-larious effort to sell life-sized stickers of himself – turned up no results.

On the bright side, I did locate this one from Craig “Ironhead” Heyward:

Does it get any better? May he rest in peace, knowing that his contributions to the world of lather-building will not be forgotten.

I can't view this at work but this must be the man-soap commercial. Yikes. Who thought iron-head would be the right choice?

To answer the 'flip' question:
Federer (not a team of course), Tiger, and Nadal (kind of - I have a hard time with the capri's. I hate them when chicks wear them nevermind dudes).

Olypic Hockey (the quality of the play is just better) and Curling (for reasons unknown to me).
Classic sports - old Celts, Bulls, Lakers, '86 Mets, etc.

Anything involving Bonds(ergo SF).
Any game the Braves or Yankees are winning.
Colts - they are good but Manning is like Steve Traschel - it takes 20 minutes to deliver. It's just a tease they run up to the line then stand there for 10 minutes. Honestly, is there a more meaningless job on game day than Colts Offensive Coordinator.

Coach: Let's run left.
Manning: Eat it. Let's go deep.
Check run.
Check Harrison buttonhook.
Check flanker screen.
Check run to the lamppost, fake towards the park bench, then cut towards that tree. I'll drill ya.
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