Monday, March 26, 2007


What I Learned From the Sweet 16, or How Maxipriest stole the drama from the tourney pool

In quite possibly the easiest tournament to forecast in the past 25 years, I came within a miracle Georgetown comeback of going 1-for-4 in Final 4 picks. Just sad. That said, I'm willing to learn from my mistakes, which are:

Anyway, now that I've relived how my brackets went to hell, let's anoint Maxipriest as the 2007 Sportsmeat NCAA Tournament bracket challenge champion. Maxi, you may come to pick up the creepy trophy whenever you wish (in a virtual sense). As with the college football pool, there will be no drama down the stretch for this pool. Big Thunder being the only one of us to pick Florida gives him a chance to crawl within two points of the final standings, but it won't be enough.

The big swing was yesterday, when Snoop's national title pick, UNC, failed to hold the lead against Maxi's pick, Georgetown, thus swinging the pool in the latter's favor. Here are the current standings:

Maxipriest - 153 points (46 available points)

Snoop - 136 points (0 available)

Budds - 134 points (46 available)

Big Thunder - 125 points (26 available)

EJ - 125 points (20 available)

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