Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Do I file this under self-help, sports, business, or humor?

Yes, every silver lining for the Knicks has a cloud, and the recent SI piece about Dolan and Thomas confirmed every Knick fan's worst fears about the long-term prospects for this franchise. And yes, Thomas' contributions to the team's cap hell are inexcusable. But in the interest of short-term sanity, and keeping Curry moving in the right direction, Isiah must stay. Wow, it's not fun to type that.
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I still haven't read the SI article, but I've backed off Thomas a bit since I read a column by Harvey Araton in the NY Times. There are a few holes here, but Araton pointed out that the Knicks are improving under Thomas, how much Jermaine O'Neal loved playing for him and that Thomas is certainly doing a better job than the three Celtics -- McHale, who screwed Garnett's chance of every winning anything with that stupid Joe Smith deal (really, you sold your sould for Joe Smith??); Bird, whose team has evolved into the Cincinnati Bengals of the NBA (yet, amazingly, Bird takes no heat for this); and Danny Ainge, who has overseen a total fall from grace for the proudest franchise in the NBA.
The fact is, Isiah has no business running a team, but he is a good talent evaluator (going back to Tracey McGrady) and maybe a better coach than I had given him credit for. As a businessman, however, he ranks down there with a 4-year-old selling lemonade for 3 cents a glass. Or something like that.
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The fact is, Isiah has no business running a team, but he is a good talent evaluator (going back to Tracey McGrady) and maybe a better coach than I had given him credit for. As a businessman, however, he ranks down there with a 4-year-old selling lemonade for 3 cents a glass. Or something like that.
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