Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Diamonds on the soles of ya shoes

On further review, due to common picks, no one has a chance to catch E.J. I realize this is a bit of a bummer and may take some of the juice out of the Cincy/Western Michigan game, but such is life. Congrats to E.J., champion of the inaugural Sportsmeat Bowl Season Pride Point Spectacular, and winner of a tasty bottle of MD 20/20. Points will be updated after the BCS title game.
Complete standings:
24 - E.J.
20 - Y.A. Shoes
19 - Dave Law
18 - Budds, Snoop
16 - B.T., Joey D.
15 - Maxipriest
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Did anyone else stay up to watch the end of the Oklahoma-Boise State game? That ranks up there with BC-Miami and Texas-USC as one of the most exciting games I've ever seen. And I don't think I've ever seen a team give away a game and come back like Boise did -- and on a hook-and-ladder, a TD pass from a receiver to a tight end and a statue of liberty play.
Plus, 10 bowl games were decided by 3 points or less and four games by one point -- two on two-point conversions. I think everyone is still rooting for an eventual playoff, but I can't remember a better bowl season.
Speaking of, the BCS got saved by USC thumping Michigan. No one can question that the Ohio State-Florida winner is the most deserving champion (though you can question how, say, LSU and USC might fare in a playoff).
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Plus, 10 bowl games were decided by 3 points or less and four games by one point -- two on two-point conversions. I think everyone is still rooting for an eventual playoff, but I can't remember a better bowl season.
Speaking of, the BCS got saved by USC thumping Michigan. No one can question that the Ohio State-Florida winner is the most deserving champion (though you can question how, say, LSU and USC might fare in a playoff).
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