Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Poinsettia fever

Things you should know about poinsettias (with thanks to Wikipedia)
- named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, a U.S. ambassador to Mexico who introduced the flower to the United States
- if eaten, they may cause diarrhea and vomiting
- official flower of the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl
- if you don't get your picks in for the Sportsmeat Bowl Season Pride Point Spectacular before kickoff of the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl, you're missing out on loads of pride points, and possibly a bottle of MD 20/20.
So far, Dave Law, Snoop, Budds, Big Thunder, and E.J. are in.
Teams poised to be upset: TCU, Rice, South Florida, Hawaii, Central Michigan, Rutgers, Clemson, Oregon St., South Carolina, Boston College, Texas, Auburn, Southern Miss, and Ohio State.
Why? These teams were chosen unanimously by five 'meaters to win (or in Ohio State's case, cover).
Snoop and E.J. led the week's NFL pick 'em with four correct picks each. Points updated at left.