Wednesday, November 15, 2006


My Bid of $5 for Matsuzaka Was Rejected

I'm sure a lot of you caught this on Deadspin last week, but I thought it bore repeating:

Dennis Rodman will star as the coach of a dwarf hoops squad in "The Minis," with Vern Troyer as one of his players. "Me and Mini-Me," Rodman says. "It'll be wild." Cameras roll in 2007.
--ESPN Magazine

Having too much time on my hands, I tried to IMDB "The Minis" and nothing came up, so maybe this is a hoax. Part of me hopes it is, more of me hopes it isn't.

By the way, in my (albeit limited) research I found that Verne Troyer was a stunt double in "My Giant." If anyone has seen "My Giant" and is willing to admit it, I'd love to know how that works.

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