Thursday, September 07, 2006


Whither Chico Lind?

Apparently Detroit Lions assistant coach Joe Cullen was arrested twice in recent weeks -- once for drunken driving and once for driving nude. And yes, you read correctly. Somewhere Chico Lind, he of the pants-less late night cruising, is smiling.

Yet another example of the police wasting resources on victimless crimes. I guess they've solved that whole murder problem in Detroit, eh?
On PTI, Jason Whitlock referred to this as "Porky Pigging" and said he once broke up with a girlfriend because he heard she'd gone porky pigging with the Chiefs' Derrick Thomas. Can't make this stuff up.
"Porky Pigging" is exactly the right term for this.

And not to speak ill of the dead, but if she and Derrick were Porky Pigging, I don't imagine that was the biggest of Whitlock's problems.
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