Saturday, August 05, 2006


I Am Humbled By The Honor Of Being Allowed To Post On This Blog

In Warren Moon's Hall of Fame induction speech today, he said that he was humbled by his induction. Am I the only one who hears that and wonders what the hell that means? You're humbled by that? How does that humble you? Nothing about receiving an honor suggests that your reaction should be an increase in humility. When I hear that, I automatically presume that the speaker means the exact opposite. That's right, I consider Warren Moon to be a ginormous dick.

A simple news search show that the following people are among the literally hundreds who have been recently quoted as being humbled by an honor:

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. So is it just me? I'll admit it - I do not receive many honors or awards. But when I do, my head swells to the size of a Macy's parade float. And I'm humbled when I realize how much I suck at ... well, any of the various things at which I suck. Boy, that last sentence sure didn't come out right.

Anyhow, I'm taking a stand. This faux self-humbling must stop. I therefore declare a War on Fake Humility. Readers, join me in fighting the good fight. With your help, this War can be won.

Thunder, thankfully not all athletes are stricken with this misinterpretation of what it means to be humbled. As my Dad loves to recall, after the Redskins beat Buddy Ryan's Eagles in the '91 playoffs (Buddy's last game), Jeff Bostic called it "a lesson in humility for people who might need it."
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